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These lectures on tropical meteorology were originally based on a lecture course that Dr. Peter Webster gave at Monash University, Australia, in the 1980's and have been progressively modified and extended over the years. A list of topics with links is as follows. The html version is not yet complete. At this time, but seven chapters are available. At least one more will be added.
The lectures are available also as a pdf file (click here) Please let me know if you find errors in the notes or web pages: email: roger.smith@lmu.de.
Contents click here
1.1 The zonal mean circulation
1.2 Data network in the Tropics
1.3 Field Experiments
1.4 Macroscale circulations
1.5 More on the Walker Circulation
1.6 El Nino and the Southern Oscillation
1.7 The Madden-Julian/Intraseasonal Oscillation
1.8 More on Monsoons
1.8.1 The Regional Theory
1.8.2 The Planetary Theory
1.9 Monsoon variability
1.10 Synoptic-scale disturbances
1.11 References
Contents click here
2.1 The governing equations on a sphere
2.2 The hydrostatic equation at low latitudes
2.3 Scaling at low latitudes
2.4 Diabatic effects, radiative cooling
2.5 Some further notes on the scaling at low latitudes
2.6 The weak temperature gradient approximation
Contents click here
Contents click here
5.1 The Held-Hou Model of the Hadley Circulation
5.2 Extensions to the Held-Hou Model
5.3 Further reading on the Hadley circulation
5.4 References
Contents click here
6.1 The equatorial beta-plane approximation
6.2 The Kelvin Wave
6.3 Equatorial Gravity Waves
6.4 Equatorial Rossby Waves
6.5 The mixed Rossby-gravity wave
6.6 The equatorial waveguide
6.7 The planetary wave motions
6.8 Baroclinic motions in low latitudes
6.9 Vertically-propagating wave motions
6.9.1 Kelvin wave
6.9.2 Mixed Rossby-gravity wave
6.10 Further reading on equatorial waves
6.11 References
Contents click here
7.1 Response to steady forcing
7.1.1 Zonally-independent flow
7.1.2 Zonally-dependent flow
7.2 Response to transient forcing
7.3 Winter time cold surges
7.4 References
8.1 Moist versus dry convection
8.2 Conditional instability
8.3 Shallow convection
8.4 Precipitating convection
8.5 Precipitation-cooled downdraughts
8.6 Organized convective systems
8.7 Clouds in the tropics
8.8 Interaction between convection and the large-scale flow
8.9 Further reading on the moist convection
8.10 References
A list of references can be found here. Please tell me if you find references that are missing.
Copyright © Roger Smith, Date 12 Jun 2015