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Setup for SCORE-MIP radiative transfer model intercomparison

Geophysical scenarios

  • for 5 different aerosol scenarios:
    1. Low aerosol loading (AOD ~ 0.05); no cirrus cloud: use gas + Rayleigh + aerosol (low_aod)
    2. Low aerosol loading (AOD ~ 0.05) with cirrus cloud: use gas + Rayleigh + aerosol (low_aod) + cirrus
    3. High aerosol loading (AOD ~ 0.3) no cirrus cloud: use gas + Rayleigh + aerosol (high_aod)
    4. High aerosol loading (AOD ~ 0.3) with cirrus cloud: use gas + Rayleigh + aerosol (high_aod) + cirrus
    5. No aerosol (pure Rayleigh): use gas + Rayleigh
  • Geometry
    1. Solar zenith angle: SZA = 10, 45, 70
    2. Viewing angle: nadir and sunglint
  • Surface
    1. Lambert albedo (same in each band): 0.05, 0.1, 0.3
    2. Ocean sunglint: windspeed 5 m/s with viewing zenith angle = solar zenith angle

Setup of input layer data

  • For each layer of a 60 layer atmosphere:
    1. Optical depth of gaseous absorption, aerosol, cirrus and Rayleigh extinction
    2. Single scattering albedo of aerosols and cirrus
    3. Scattering matrix for aerosols, cirrus and Rayleigh (layer independent)
  • Spectral range:
    1. Band 1: O2 A-band:
      1. Window w1: 13080 – 13090 cm-1 (1000 spectral points)
      2. Window w2: 12976 – 12980 cm-1 (400 spectral points)
    2. Band 2: 1.61 micron CO2:
      1. Window w1: 6202 – 6206 cm-1 (400 spectral points)
    3. Band 3: 2.04 micron CO2:
      1. Window w1: 4841-4845 cm-1 (400 spectral points)
      2. Window w2: 4815–4819 cm-1 (400 spectral points)

RT setup

  • The RT calculations for each scenario will be carried out for 4 setups of the RT code:
    1. 'scalar accurate': scalar RT with standardized setups
    2. 'scalar fast': fast version of scalar RT code
    3. 'vector accurate': vector RT with standardized setups
    4. 'vector fast': fast version of vector RT code
  • Parameters for ‘accurate’ setup: 32 full streams, delta-M on, single scattering correction on, plane parallel, 60 vertical layers
  • ‘Fast’ setup: here the code should be run in a configuration so that the RT calculations are sufficiently fast for the retrieval of a large number of spectra
  • Groups can also provide the RT calculations only for some of the 4 setups.

Reduced set of test cases

All combinations of parameters result in a very large set of spectra to be compared. As a first step we evaluate only SZA=45°, albedo=0.1 or BPDF, band 1 (window 1) and band 3 (window 2).

This results in the following 20 test cases:

b1 w1 Lambert b1 w1 Ocean b3 w2 Lambert b3 w2 Ocean
low aerosol 1a 1b 1c 1d
low aerosol + cirrus 2a 2b 2c 2d
high aerosol 3a 3b 3c 3d
high aerosol + cirrus 4a 4b 4c 4d
pure Rayleigh 5a 5b 5c 5d

Input data

Please download the input data:

  • The data directory contains subdirectories for aerosol, cirrus, gas and Rayleigh that contain files with the optical depth, single scattering abedo and scatteringmatrix
  • Optical depth for is given for each spectral point and each vertical layer. The uppermost layer and the last column is the optical depth of the bottom layer.
  • Single scattering albedo (ssa) for aerosol and cirrus is given for each spectral point
  • The input files are given for each spectral band separately. They will be identified with b1, b2, b3 for the O2 A Band, the 1.6 micron Band and the 2.03 micron band followed by the window number (w1 or w2).
  • We assume that the scattering matrix is constant across each band, ie. only one scattering matrix is given per band. The scatteringmatrix file contains all 3 bands
  • Scattering matrix is given as alpha1-4,beta1-2 according to following representation (Note that alpha1 is the scalar phase function):
  • Rayleigh depolarization factor 0.0279
  • Please note that the forward peak of cirrus phase function has been truncated and the other optical properties of cirrus (single scattering albedo) have been modified accordingly.

Organization of output data

  • Give output as 2 column ASCII files with wavenumber and I or I-Q
  • Generate separate file for each geophysical scenario
  • Include header that provides information about the run (RT setup, code version etc).
  • Start header lines with #
  • Provide the computation time for each scenario together with the computation time for the test programme (tespol.f90)
intercomparisons/scoremip/setup.txt · Last modified: 2014/10/30 10:14 (external edit)