PREDICT disturbances in the ECMWF analyses

The following five systems form the basis of G4 (Earl) and M20 (Gaston, Karl, Matthew and Nicole)

These systems formed over the Atlantic or Carribean during the PREDICT experiment.

Hurricanes Danielle, Earl and Fiona

The genesis of Hurricane Earl (wind vectors and zonal wind (contours)

The genesis of Hurricane Earl (wind vectors and relative vorticity (contours)

Tropical storm Gaston

The evolution and demise of Tropical storm Gaston (wind vectors, zonal wind, relative vorticity)

The evolution and demise of Tropical storm Gaston (vectors of vertical shear)

The evolution and demise of Tropical storm Gaston (wind vectors, temperature and relative humidity)

Hurricanes Karl

The genesis of Hurricane Karl (wind vectors, relative vorticity, geopotential)

Tropical Storm Matthew

The genesis of Tropical Storm Matthew (wind vectors, relative vorticity, geopotential)

Hurricane Nicole

The genesis of Hurricane Nicole (wind vectors, relative vorticity, geopotential)

For comparison we show some plots for Hurricane Sandy in 2012.

Hurricane Sandy

The genesis of Hurricane Sandy (wind vectors and zonal wind (contours)

Copyright © Roger Smith: Date 15 May 2014