Quicklooks of frequently updated* EARLINET o , other lidars, and online ceilometers (clickable map)
Note:EARLINETstations in small gray letters do not provide regularlyupdatedquicklook web pages. But some do provide quicklooks for certain episodes like volcano activity.
Links to such web pages (also from non-EARLINET lidars)arelisted below. More information about EARLINET stations and addresses can be found on the EARLINET web-page.

LCBR UK Andoya Potenza Evora Firenze Athens Sofia Bucharest Hamburg Linköping Stockholm Kuopio Minsk Belsk Warsaw SIRTA MIM Hohenpeissenberg Zugspitze Lindenberg IFT KNMI Cloudnet DLR Oberpfaffenhofen EPFL Payerne, CH Chilbolton GFAT Granada UPC Barcelona CIEMAT Madrid Bonn Cork

World wide online* lidar quicklook web pages

EU+ quicklooks & ww-map
quicklooks etc: DWD Ceilometer Viewer (incl. world wide lidar map)

AD-Net (NIES / Asia) quicklooks: http://www-lidar.nies.go.jp/ctabc/

Polly.Net (TROPOS / WW) quicklooks: http://polly.rsd.tropos.de/lidar/

SPALINET (Spain) quicklooks: http://www.lidar.es/spalinet/en/instruments/

Uni of Wisconsin Lidars quicklooks: http://lidar.ssec.wisc.edu/syst/ahsrl/ahsrl_data.htm

Eureka, Nunavut / CDN quicklooks: http://lidar.ssec.wisc.edu/cgi-bin/archive/month?site=1&type=all

Cabauw / NL quicklooks: http://www.knmi.nl/research/UVLIDAR/index_old.php

MPLNET (only few?online) quicklooks: http://mplnet.gsfc.nasa.gov/data.html
see also: AERONET Data Display Interface - MPLNET Data Availability

Hamburg until 04/2012
quicklooks: http://lidar.dkrz.de/earlinet/

Barbados quicklooks: http://barbados.zmaw.de/lidarqlinfo: http://barbados.zmaw.de/

LALINET / ALINE no quicklooks: http://lalinet.org/index.php
Sun photometer

AERONET data synergy tool

back- and forward trajectories

GAW stations TrajectoryBrowser, EMPA
http://gaw.empa.ch/gawdata/trajecs.asp ( FLEXTRA 10 days backwards, ECMWF 1°, lag 3 days )

Flextra, >300 sites globally, archive
http://tarantula.nilu.no/trajectories/index.cfm (7 days backwards , ECMWF 1.125° , data files, lag 1/2 y)

Europe / Germany , selected cities http://www.wetter3.de/trajektorien.html (7 days backwards, GFS 0.5°, forecast 1 day)

Fukushima / Japan http://www2.wetter3.de/traj_spezial.html(6 days forwards, GFS 0.5°, forecast 6 days)

EARLINET sites (restricted access)
http://data.earlinet.org/Trajectories/ (7 days backwards , DWD-GME, lag 1 day)

http://ready.arl.noaa.gov/HYSPLIT_traj.php ( online calculations, interactive tool )
Volcano news and web cams

Iceland Katla http://eldgos.mila.is/katla/

Icelandic Met Office news http://en.vedur.is/about-imo/news/2011
Wind profiler

Network of wind profilers http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/science/specialist/cwinde/profiler/

Grimsvötn volcanic ash related links / quicklooks:

EARLINET measurements report see http://www.earlinet.org/

29 May 2011 Volcanic activity in Iceland has paused

21 May 2011 An eruption began atGrímsvötn volcano at approximately 17:30 UTC, May 21st 2011

Icelandic Met Office On the eruption in Grímsvötn

IceNews Iceland volcano update

Institute of Earth Sciences News and announcements Eruption in Grímsvötn 2011

UK Met Office Ash cloud news
general information

Icelandic Met Office Home / Earthquakes/ Radar / Radar image browser / Radar + satellite image browser

VAAC forecast
Ash Concentration Graphics NE forecast / VA Advisory maps

CETEMPS forecast http://cetemps.aquila.infn.it/Cetemps/en/news-archive/90-grimsvotn-eruption.html

EURAD forecast Dispersion of the ash cloud over Europe (model)

FLEXPART forecast

OMI SO2 column http://omivfd.fmi.fi/volcanic.html/ Latest OMI satellite images/products

SEVIRI Volcanic Ash Retrievals http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/goes_r/proving-ground/geocat_ash/loops/iceland.html

NILU ash mass loading retrievals etc. http://savaa.nilu.no/Grimsvotn/tabid/4563/Default.aspx (incl. archives)

additional lidar/ceilometer quicklooks

EARLINET measurement
reports: http://www.earlinet.org/

Barcelona / ES
quicklooks: http://www.lidar.es/spalinet/en/Activity-of-SPALINET/News/grimsvotn-eruption/

Keflavik / Iceland, airport ceilometer
quicklooks: http://ncasweb.leeds.ac.uk/iceland/daily.html63°59.060N, 22°35.027W
quicklooks: http://ncasweb.leeds.ac.uk/iceland/archive/index.php?path=depol/

Ispra / I quicklooks: ftp://ftp-ccu.jrc.it/pub/adam/LIDAR_Grimsvotn/(anonymous login)

Andoya / N, ceilometer quicklooks:

Helsinki / FIN
quicklooks: http://polly.tropos.de/lidar/index.php

icelandreview.com 24 May 2011 Grímsvötn Eruption Like Typical Katla Outburst
...Duringthefirst 24 hours of the Grímsvötn eruption the ashfallhad already reached the volume of the entire eruption in Eyjafjallajökull last year, ....

IfT press release 25 May 2011 http://idw-online.de/en/news425027
additional info

Video of outbreak 22 May 2011

Video of outbreak 23 May 2011 http://www.visir.is/section/MEDIA99&fileid=CLP4297

Photo of the ash layer 25 May 2011 Photo of the ash layer over North Germany from an airplane

Additional Eyjafjallajökull volcanic ash related links / quicklooks:

Bilthoven / NL, Caeli-T quicklooks: http://cerberus.rivm.nl/lidar/Bilthoven/Caeli-T/

Hamburg-MPI / D quicklooks: http://lidar.dkrz.de/volcano

Minsk / UA quicklooks: http://scat.bas-net.by/~lidarteam/

Barcelona / ES quicklooks: http://www.lidar.es/spalinet/en/instruments/?instrument=1&view=5

Madrid / ES quicklooks: http://www.lidar.es/spalinet/es/instrumentos/?instrument=2&view=5

Athens / GR quicklooks: http://www.physics.ntua.gr/~papayannis/volcanos.htm

Thessaloniki / GR quicklooks: http://lap.physics.auth.gr/earlinet/quicklooks/

Napoli / I quicklooks: http://fisat.fisica.unina.it/index.php .......

Lecce / I
quicklooks: http://www.fisica.unisalento.it/AerosolClima/LidarQuicklook.html

Ispra / I quicklooks: ftp://ftp-ccu.jrc.it/pub/adam/LIDAR/

Palaiseau / F colour plots whole period: http://sirta.ipsl.polytechnique.fr/science/eyjafj-ll-volcano-ashes-cloud-observations-2.html

L'Aquila / I reports


Andoya / N, ceilometer quicklooks: ?(online and archive )

CALIPSO quicklooks: http://www-calipso.larc.nasa.gov/products/lidar/browse_images/show_calendar.php

Cabauw/NL, Caesar-UV-lidar quicklooks: http://www.knmi.nl/~savenije/UVLIDAR

Köln / D quicklooks: http://www.uni-koeln.de/~jschween/tr32/ceilo/201004_volc/ ( ceilometer)

Hohenheim / D quicklooks: https://www.uni-hohenheim.de/ipm_lidar/

Warszawa / P
quicklooks: http://www.igf.fuw.edu.pl/meteo/stacja/radiacja/IGF/wulkan/ ( description & latest quicklook )

Manchester, Cardington , Aberystywth / GB quicklooks: http://data.cas.manchester.ac.uk/lidar/?

Robin Hogan's link collection link list: http://www.met.reading.ac.uk/~swrhgnrj/volcano/


Munich-MIM / D Presseerklärung

Leipzig-IfT / D Presseerklärung (4 MB pdf)

ESA - Living Planet Programme
News: http://www.esa.int/esaLP/SEMJTTF098G_index_0.html

Palaiseau - IPSL / F
Press releases : ? 20.04.? 21.04.? 22.04.

FAZ? 02.05.10
Die Armut der Aschejäger

Presseerklärungen? /? ? 19.04. 2010? 10.05.2010

SZ 07.05.10 Ein großes Experiment

TA NEA 22.04.10 The volcanic ash journey (in Greek)? ( source)?

Nature, 27 April 2010 Questions fly over ash-cloud models

EGU General Assembly, May 2010
Dispersionandevolution of the Eyjafjallajökull ash plume over Europe:vertically resolved measurements with the European LIDAR network EARLINET

Nature, 3 June 2010 Volcanology: Out of the ashes

EUMETSAT, May 28, 1010
Press release: MTG satellites crucial for future volcanic ash observations

Hint: if user/pwd are required for an EARLINET quicklook page, try the old EARLINET.
* online andfrequently updated mean that quicklooks of performed measurememnts are put on the web page almost in realtime.
