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Model intercomparison, Thermal IR spectral region

Line-by-line calculations with provided absorption coefficients

  • viewing geometry: top of atmosphere, nadir
  • surface emissivities 1.0, 0.8, 0.5, assuming a Lambertian surface.
  • output quantity: radiance [W/(m^2 cm-1 sr)]
1. Water vapor band, ~6.2 μm, nadir
2. Spectral window, ~10.8 μm, nadir
3. Spectral window, ~10.0 μm, nadir
Benchmark results

Monochromatic calculations for different viewing angles

  • Viewing zenith angles: 0°-95° in 1° steps
  • If possible, spherical geometry, earth radius 6370 km
  • wavelengths: 6190 nm, 10795 nm
  • absorption optical thicknesses from LBL calculations above
Benchmark results


All KOPRA results (spectra for all combinations of angles and emissivities) are provided in the following files, radiance unit is [nW/(cm^2 cm-1 sr)]:

6.2 nm, emi 1.0 6.2 nm, emi 0.8 6.2 nm, emi 0.5

10.0 nm, emi 1.0 10.0 nm, emi 0.8 10.0 nm, emi 0.5

10.8 nm, emi 1.0 10.8 nm, emi 0.8 10.8 nm, emi 0.5

General information

  • The absorption coefficients have been generated using ARTS based on HITRAN 2004
  • Midlatitude summer atmosphere was used
  • Participating RT Solvers: DISORT, ARTS, KOPRA
studies/esaslight2/thermal_ir/thermal_ir.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/04 08:39 (external edit)