Table of Contents

Ice clouds - halo and crystal shape

Investigate the radiance field in presence of an ice cloud. What do you observe? What is the impact of the crystal shape?

An ice cloud can be defined in the libRadtran input file as follows:

ic_properties hey interpolate
ic_habit solid-column

Please refer to the libRadtran user manual to find out which crystal shapes are available. In order to use the HEY parameterization you have to copy the following data:

cp -r /home/data/daten/public/rt-data/optprop_data/ic/ /local/libRadtran-1.5-beta/data/

Use the libRadtran input file and the plotting script from exercise 6 to start.

Solution by Sebastian and Hanna

Investigation of different particle shapes and cloud thicknesses

Cloud properties: [(height) (ice water content) (particle size)]

thin cloud

11 0 0  
10 0.001 30

thick cloud

11 0 0
10 0.006 70
09 0.01 90
08 0.004 50
07 0 0

Plots for different particle shapes at a solar zenith angle of 30° and a wavelength of 500 nm:

thin cloud:

Solid column.
Hollow column.
Rough aggregate.

thick cloud:

Solid column.
Hollow column.
Rough aggregate.