Current Courses (SS 2021):
- Objective Data Analysis in the Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, with Jonas Späth (Master)
- General Circulation and Climate Change, (Master)
Past Courses:
- Klima und Gesellschaft, mit Harald Lesch (Bachelor, SS 2020)
- Objective Data Analysis in the Atmospheric and Climate Sciences co-taught with Aman Gupta (Master, SS 2020)
- Advanced Atmospheric Dynamics (Master, WS 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21)
- General Circulation and Climate, co-taught with Hella Garny (Master, WS 2019/20)
- Tropical Meteorology, co-taught with Gerard Kilroy (Master, WS 2019/20)
- Numerical Weather Prediction, co-taught with George Craig (Master, SS 2019)
- Dynamische Meteorologie 1 (Bachelor, SS 2019, 2020)