Previous Positions
2005-2010 | Scientist, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Institute of Atmospheric Physics |
2005 | Postdoc, University of Bremen, Institute of Environmental Physics |
2001-2004 | University of Bremen, Ph.D. student and Research Associate, Institute of Environmental Physics, Thesis: „A polarized discrete ordinate scattering model for radiative transfer simulations in spherical atmospheres including a thermal source“ |
2000-2001 | University of Bremen, Research Assistant, Institute of Environmental Physics, Diploma-Thesis: „Der Einfluss atmosphärischer Inhomogenitäten auf satellitengetragene Okkultationsmessungen“ |
2005 | Dr. rer. nat., University of Bremen, Germany |
2001 | Diploma Physics, University of Bremen, Germany |
| Courses in Physics and Mathematics, University of Auckland, New Zealand, 1998-1999 |
| Courses in Physics and Mathematics, University of Bremen, Germany,1995-2001 |
Honors and Awards
January 2006 | „Bremer Studienpreis 2005“ for the best PhD thesis in natural science at the University of Bremen |
Research Areas