In Preparation, Submitted, or Under Review
Chen, Y.-C., J. Zhang, F. Hoffmann, T. Yamaguchi, F. Glassmeier, X. Zhou, and G. Feingold, 2024: Diurnal evolution of non-precipitating marine stratocumuli in an LES ensemble, Atmos. Chem. Phys., doi: 10.5194/egusphere-2024-1033, under review.
Hoffmann, F., F. Glassmeier, and G. Feingold, 2024: The Impact of Aerosol on Cloud Water: A Heuristic Perspective, Geophys. Res. Lett., submitted.
Lim, J.-S., Y. Noh, H. Lee, and F. Hoffmann, 2024: Impact of Giant Aerosols and Turbulence on Stochastic Coalescence: A Lagrangian Cloud Physics Approach, J. Geophys. Res., to be submitted .
Lim, J.-S., and F. Hoffmann, 2023: Life Cycle Evolution of Inhomogeneous Mixing in Shallow Cumulus Clouds, J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.22541/essoar.170224522.28596170/v1, under review.
Kärcher, B., F. Hoffmann, A. Podglajen, A. Hertzog, R. Pluogonven, R. Atlas, M. Corcos, W. W. Grabowski, and B. Gasparini, 2023: Effects of turbulence on upper tropospheric ice supersaturation, J. Atmos. Sci., under review.
Kainz, J., B. Kumar, S. Ravichandran, F. Hoffmann, 2024: Benchmarking Turbulence Models to Represent Cloud-Environment Mixing, J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., to be submitted.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Feingold, G., V. P. Ghate, L. M. Russell, P. Blossey, W. Cantrell, M. W. Christensen, M. S. Diamond, A. Gettelman, F. Glassmeier, E. Gryspeerdt, J. Haywood, F. Hoffmann, C. Kaul, M. Lebsock, A. C. McComiskey, D. T. McCoy, Y. Ming, J. Muelmenstaedt, A. Possner, P. Prabhakaran, P. K. Quinn, S. Schmidt, R. A. Shaw, C. E. Singer, A. Sorooshian, V. Toll, J. Wan, R. Wood, F. Yang, J. Zhang, and X. Zheng, 2024: Community Consensus on Physical Science Research Needs to Evaluate the Viability of Marine Cloud Brightening, Science Adv., in press.
Claudel, C., A. Lockley, F. Hoffmann, and Y. Xia, 2024: Marine-Cloud Brightening: An Airborne Concept, Environ. Res. Commun., doi:10.1088/2515-7620/ad2f71.
Prabhakaran, P., F. Hoffmann, and G. Feingold, 2024: Effects of Intermittent Aerosol Forcing on the Stratocumulus-to-Cumulus Transition, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 1919–1937, doi: 10.5194/acp-24-1919-2024.
Hoffmann, F., 2024: Small-Scale Mixing and its Impacts on Micro- and Macroscale Cloud Properties, Clouds and their Climatic Impacts, 255-270, doi: 10.1002/9781119700357.ch12.
Kainz, J., and F. Hoffmann, 2023: The Effects of Aerosol on Small-Scale Cloud-Environment Mixing: Implications for Observing Inhomogeneous Mixing, J. Geophys. Res., 128, e2023JD038509, doi: 10.1029/2023JD038509.
Prabhakaran, P., F. Hoffmann, and G. Feingold, 2023: Effects of Intermittent Aerosol Forcing on the Stratocumulus-to-Cumulus Transition, Atmos. Chem. Phys., doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-1720, accepted.
Hoffmann, F., F. Glassmeier, T. Yamaguchi, and G. Feingold, 2023: On the Roles of Precipitation and Entrainment in Stratocumulus Transitions Between Mesoscale States, J. Atmos. Sci., 80, 2791-2803, doi:10.1175/JAS-D-22-0268.1 .
Oh, D., Noh, Y., and Hoffmann, F., 2023: Paths from aerosol particles to activation and cloud droplets in shallow cumulus clouds: The roles of entrainment and supersaturation fluctuations. J. Geophys. Res., 128, e2022JD038450, doi:10.1029/2022JD038450.
Hoffmann, F., and F. Feingold, 2023: A Note on Aerosol-Processing by Droplet Collision-Coalescence, Geophys. Res. Let., 50, e2023GL103716, doi:10.1029/2023GL103716.
Yang, F., F. Hoffmann, R. Shaw, M. Ovchinnikov, and A. Vogelmann, 2023: An intercomparison of large-eddy simulations of a convection cloud chamber using haze-capable bin and Lagrangian cloud microphysics schemes, J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., 15, e2022MS003270, doi:10.1029/2022MS003270.
Lim, J.-S., and F. Hoffmann, 2023: Between Broadening and Narrowing: How Mixing Affects the Width of the Droplet Size Distribution, J. Geophys. Res., 128, e2022JD037900, doi:10.1029/2022JD037900.
Prabhakaran, P., F. Hoffmann, and G. Feingold, 2023: Impact of Pulse Aerosol Forcing on Marine Stratocumulus Clouds in the Context of Marine Cloud Brightening, J. Atmos. Sci., doi:10.1175/JAS-D-22-0207.1.
Hill, A. A., Z. J. Lebo, M. Andrejczuk, S. Arabas, P. Dziekan, P. Field, A. Gettelman, F. Hoffmann, H. Pawlowska, R. Onishi, and B.Vie, 2023: Toward a numerical benchmark for warm rain processes, J. Atmos Sci., doi:10.1175/JAS-D-21-0275.1.
Gryspeerdt, E., Glassmeier, F., Feingold, G., Hoffmann, F., and Murray-Watson, R. J., 2022: Observing short timescale cloud development to constrain aerosol-cloud interactions, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., doi:10.5194/acp-2022-335.
Hoffmann, F., B. Mayer, and G. Feingold, 2022: A Parameterization of Interstitial Aerosol Optical Extinction and its Application to Marine Cloud Brightening, J. Atmos. Sci., doi: 10.1175/JAS-D-22-0047.1, in print.
Hoffmann, F., and G. Feingold, 2021: Cloud Microphysical Implications for Marine Cloud Brightening: The Importance of the Seeded Particle Size Distribution, J. Atmos. Sci., accepted, doi:10.1175/JAS-D-21-0077.1.
Glassmeier, F., F. Hoffmann, J. S. Johnson, T. Yamaguchi, K. S. Carslaw, and G. Feingold, 2019: Novel constraint on liquid-water path response to aerosol perturbations cautions against suitability of ship-track studies for inferring effective forcing. Science, 485-489, doi:10.1126/science.abd3980.
Unterstrasser, S., F. Hoffmann, and M. Lerch, 2020: Collisional growth in a particle-based cloud microphysical model: insights from column model simulations using LCM1D (v1.0). Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 5119–5145, doi:10.5194/gmd-2019-343.
Hoffmann, F., 2020: Effects of Entrainment and Mixing on the Wegener-Bergeron-Findeisen Process. J. Atmos. Sci., 77, 2279–2296, doi: 10.1175/JAS-D-19-0289.1.
Hoffmann, F., F. Glassmeier, T. Yamaguchi, and G. Feingold, 2020: Liquid Water Path Steady States in Stratocumulus: Insights From Process-Level Emulation and Mixed-Layer Theory. J. Atmos. Sci., 77, 2203-2215, doi: 10.1175/JAS-D-19-0241.1.
Maronga, B., S. Banzhaf, C. Burmeister, T. Esch, R. Forkel, D. Fröhlich, V. Fuka, K. Gehrke, J. Geletič, S. Giersch, G. Groß, W. Heldens, A. Hellsten, F. Hoffmann, A. Inagaki, E. Kadasch, F. Kanani-Sühring, K. Ketelsen, B. Ali Khan, C. Knigge, H. Knoop, P. Krč, M. Kurppa, H. Maamari, A. Matzarakis, M. Mauder, M. Pallasch, D. Pavlik, J. Pfafferott, J. Resler, S. Rissmann, E. Russo, M. Salim, M. Schrempf, J. Schwenkel, G. Seckmeyer, S. Schubert, M. Sühring, R. von Tils, L. Vollmer, S. Ward, B. Witha, H. Wurps, J. Zeidler, and S. Raasch, 2020: Overview of the PALM Model System 6.0., Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 1335-1372, doi:10.5194/gmd-2019-103.
Goren, T., J. Kazil, F. Hoffmann, T. Yamaguchi, and G. Feingold, 2019: Anthropogenic Air Pollution Delays Marine Stratocumulus Break-up to Open-Cells. Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, doi: 10.1029/2019GL085412.
Glassmeier, F., F. Hoffmann, J. S. Johnson, T. Yamaguchi, K. S. Carslaw, and G. Feingold, 2019: An emulator approach to stratocumulus susceptibility. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 10191-10203, doi:10.5194/acp-19-10191-2019.
Giersch, S., M. Brast, F. Hoffmann, and S. Raasch, 2019: Toward Large-Eddy Simulations of Dust Devils of Observed Intensity: Effects of Grid Spacing, Background Wind, and Surface Heterogeneities. J. Geophys. Res., 124, 7697-7718, doi:10.1029/2019JD030513.
Maahn, M., F. Hoffmann, M. D. Shupe, G. de Boer, S. Y. Matrosov, and E. P. Luke, 2019: Can liquid cloud microphysical processes be used for vertically pointing cloud radar calibration? Atmos. Meas. Tech., 12, 3151-3171, doi:10.5194/amt-12-3151-2019.
Hoffmann, F., and G. Feingold, 2019: Entrainment and Mixing in Stratocumulus: Effects of a New Explicit Subgrid-Scale Scheme for Large-Eddy Simulations with Particle-Based Microphysics. J. Atmos. Sci., 76, 1955-1973, doi:10.1175/JAS-D-18-0318.1.
Hoffmann, F., T. Yamaguchi, and G. Feingold, 2018: Inhomogeneous Mixing in Lagrangian Cloud Models: Effects on the Production of Precipitation Embryos. J. Atmos. Sci., 76, 113-133, doi:10.1175/JAS-D-18-0087.1.
Noh, Y., D. Oh, F. Hoffmann, and S. Raasch, 2018: A Cloud Microphysics Parameterization for Shallow Cumulus Clouds Based on Lagrangian Cloud Model Simulations. J. Atmos. Sci., 75, 4031-4047, doi:10.1175/JAS-D-18-0080.1.
Schwenkel, J, F. Hoffmann, and S. Raasch, 2018: Improving Collisional Growth in Lagrangian Cloud Models: Development and Verification of a New Splitting Algorithm. Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 3929-3944, doi:10.5194/gmd-11-3929-2018.
Hoffmann, F., 2017: On the Validity of Köhler Activation Theory: How do Collision and Coalescence Affect the Activation of Aerosols? Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 8343-8356, doi:10.5194/acp-17-8343-2017.
Hoffmann, F., Y. Noh, and S. Raasch, 2017: The route to raindrop formation in a shallow cumulus cloud simulated by a Lagrangian cloud model, J. Atmos. Sci., 74, 2125-2142, doi:10.1175/JAS-D-16-0220.1.
Unterstrasser, S., F. Hoffmann, and M. Lerch 2017: Collection/aggregation algorithms in Lagrangian cloud microphysical models: rigorous evaluation in box model simulations, Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 1521-1548, doi:10.5194/gmd-10-1521-2017.
Spiga, A., E. Barth, Z. Gu, F. Hoffmann, J. Ito, B. Jemmett-Smith, M. Klose, S. Nishizawa, S. Raasch, S. Rafkin, T. Takemi, D. Tyler, and W. Wei, 2016: Large-Eddy Simulations of dust devils and convective vortices, Space Sci. Rev., doi:10.1007/s11214-016-0284-x.
Hoffmann, F., 2016: The effect of spurious cloud edge supersaturations in Lagrangian cloud models: An analytical and numerical study, Mon. Wea. Rev., 144, 107-118, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-15-0234.1.
Maronga, B., M. Gryschka, R. Heinze, F. Hoffmann, F. Kanani-Sühring, M. Keck, K. Ketelsen, M. O. Oliver Letzel, M. Sühring, and S. Raasch, 2015: The Parallelized Large-Eddy Simulation Model (PALM) version 4.0 for atmospheric and oceanic flows: model formulation, recent developments, and future perspectives, Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 2515-2551, doi:10.5194/gmd-8-2515-2015.
Hoffmann, F., S. Raasch, and Y. Noh, 2015: Entrainment of aerosols and their activation in a shallow cumulus cloud studied with a coupled LCM-LES approach, Atmos. Res., 156, 43-57, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2014.12.008.
Hoffmann, F., H. Siebert, J. Schumacher, T. Riechelmann, J. Katzwinkel, B. Kumar, P. Götzfried, and S. Raasch, 2014: Entrainment and mixing at the interface of shallow cumulus clouds: Results from a combination of observations and simulations, Met. Zet., doi:10.1127/0941-2948/2014/0597.
Invited Talks and Seminars
Hoffmann, F., 2024: From Cloud Turbulence to Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions, 10 – 12 April 2024, In the Clouds, Zugspitze, Germany.
Hoffmann, F., 2024: Bridging the Gap Between Cloud Turbulence and Climate, 14 – 15 March 2024, Workshop on Cloud Turbulence, NiTech 2024, Nagoya, Japan.
Hoffmann, F., 2024: Cloud Microphysical Implications for Marine Cloud Brightening, 18 – 23 February 2024, GRC Climate Engineering, Lucca, Italy.
Hoffmann, F., and G. Feingold, 2023: A Note on Aerosol-Processing by Droplet Collision-Coalescence, 11 – 15 December 2023, AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Hoffmann, F., 2023: A Lagrangian Perspective on Aerosol-Cloud Interactions, 9 October 2023, GRS Department Seminar, TU Delft, Delft, Netherlands.
Hoffmann, F., 2023: Lagrangian Cloud Modeling of Marine Cloud Brightening, 14 – 16 August 2023, RRAP Cooling and Shading Workshop, Southern Cross University, Coffs Harbour, Australia.
Hoffmann, F., 2023: A Lagrangian Perspective on Aerosol-Cloud Interactions, 8 June 2023, Leipziger Meteorologisches Kolloquium, Institut für Meteorologie, Universität Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany.
Hoffmann, F., 2023: A Lagrangian Perspective on Aerosol-Cloud Interactions, 11 – 14 April 2023, Cloud Physics on the Zugspitze, Zugspitze, Germany.
Hoffmann, F., 2023: On the Transitions Between Open- and Closed-Cell Stratocumulus: A Dynamical Systems Perspective, 28 February, Batsheva de Rothschild Seminar on Cloud-Climate Interactions Across Scales, Eilat, Israel.
Hoffmann, F., 2023: Stratocumulus Transitions Between Mesoscale States, 18 January 2023, Joint Seminar, University of Hamburg and MPI-M, Hamburg, Germany.
Hoffmann, F., 2022: Zooming Out: Understanding Cloud Systems from Complex and Idealized Models, 1 November 2022, Atmospheres, Oceans, Earths – Unifying perspectives on geophysical and environmental multiphase flows, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, California, USA.
Hoffmann, F., 2022: Small-Scale Mixing Processes in Clouds: From Basic Insights to Their Importance for Marine Cloud Brightening, 2 June 2022, Meteorologisches Kolloquium, Institute of Meteorology, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany.
Hoffmann, F., F. Glassmeier, and G. Feingold, 2022: The Importance of Small-Scale Dynamical Processes for Aerosol–Cloud Interactions, 23 January 2022, AMS 102nd Annual Meeting, Houston, USA.
Hoffmann, F., 2020: Inhomogeneous Mixing Processes in Clouds: Toward Mixed-Phase Clouds, 15 December 2020, Meteorologisches Institut München, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany.
Hoffmann, F., 2020: Inhomogeneous Mixing Processes in Clouds: Toward Mixed-Phase Clouds, 23 November 2020, Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, virtual meeting.
Hoffmann, F., 2020: Beyond Cloud Microphysics: Representing Subgrid-Scale Processes in Lagrangian Cloud Models, 4 May 2020, EGU General Assembly 2020, virtual meeting.
Hoffmann, F., 2019: Lagrangian Cloud Modeling: Foundations and Recent Developments, 14 November 2019, Environmental and Climate Sciences Department Seminar, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York, USA.
Hoffmann, F., 2019: Lagrangian Cloud Modeling: Foundations and Recent Developments, 24 May 2019, Pi Chamber Workshop, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan, USA.
Hoffmann, F., 2019: Entrainment and Mixing in Warm Boundary Layer Clouds, 4 March 2019, Meteorology and Air Quality Group, Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Hoffmann, F., 2018: Entrainment and Mixing in Warm Boundary Layer Clouds: Development and Results of an Explicit Subgrid-Scale Scheme for Large-Eddy Simulations with Particle-Based Microphysics, 18 December 2018, Meteorologisches Institut München, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany.
Hoffmann, F., 2018: Entrainment and Mixing in Warm Boundary Layer Clouds: Development and Results of an Explicit Subgrid-Scale Scheme for Large-Eddy Simulations with Particle-Based Microphysics, 15 November 2018, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Presentations (held)
Hoffmann, F., F. Glassmeier, T. Yamaguchi, and G. Feingold, 2023: On the Roles of Precipitation and Entrainment in Stratocumulus Transitions Between Mesoscale States (talk), 11 – 15 December 2023, AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Hoffmann, F., and G. Feingold, 2023: A Note on Aerosol Processing by Droplet Collision- Coalescence (poster), Joint CFMIP-GASS Meeting, 9 – 13 July 2023, Sorbonne University, Paris, France.
Hoffmann, F., and G. Feingold, 2023: A Note on Aerosol Processing by Droplet Collision- Coalescence (talk), Aerosol, Cloud, Precipitation and Climate (ACPC) Initiative Meeting, 17 – 19 May 2023, Texas Southern University, Houston, TX, USA.
Hoffmann, F., F. Glassmeier, and G. Feingold, 2022: The Role of Entrainment in the Transition Between Open- and Closed-Cell Stratocumulus: A Dynamical Systems Perspective (talk), 16th Conference on Cloud Physics, 8 – 12 August 2022, Madison, WI, USA.
Hoffmann, F., Prasanth Prabhakaran, Graham Feingold, 2022: From Aerosols to Cloud Droplets to Stratocumulus Adjustments – A Lagrangian Cloud Model Framework for Assessing Marine Cloud Brightening (poster), GRC Climate Engineering, 26 June – 1 July 2022, Newry, Maine, USA.
Hoffmann, F., and G. Feingold, 2021: Cloud Microphysical Implications for Marine Cloud Brightening: The Importance of the Seeded Particle Size Distribution (poster), AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 13 – 17 December 2021, virtual meeting.
Hoffmann, F., 2021: Inhomogeneous Mixing Processes in Clouds: Toward Mixed-Phase Clouds (talk), WCCM-ECCOMAS Congress, 11 – 15 January 2021, virtual meeting.
Hoffmann, F., and G. Feingold, 2020: What can Possibly go Wrong? Cloud Microphysical Implications for Marine Cloud Brightening (poster/talk), AGU Fall Meeting 2020, 1 – 17 December 2020, virtual meeting.
Hoffmann, F., and G. Feingold, 2019: Entrainment and Mixing in Mixed-Phase Clouds (poster), Gordon Research Conference on Radiation and Climate, July 21 – 26, Bates College, Lewiston, ME, USA.
Hoffmann, F., and G. Feingold, 2019: Entrainment and Mixing in Mixed-Phase Clouds (poster), Gordon Research Seminar on Radiation and Climate, July 20 – 21, Bates College, Lewiston, ME, USA.
Hoffmann, F., and G. Feingold, 2019: Bridging the Gap between LES and DNS: An Explicit Subgrid Scale Scheme for LES with Particle-Based Cloud Physics (poster), CIRES Rendezvous, May 17, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA.
Hoffmann, F., and G. Feingold, 2019: Bridging the Gap between LES and DNS: An Explicit Subgrid Scale Scheme for LES with Particle-Based Cloud Physics (poster), Understanding Clouds and Precipitation 2019, February 25 – March 1, Berlin, Germany.
Hoffmann, F., 2018: The Linear Eddy Model as a Subgrid-Scale Model for Lagrangian Cloud models (talk), Workshop on particle-based modeling of cloud microphysics, November 19 – 20, Kobe, Japan.
Hoffmann, F., T. Yamaguchi, and G. Feingold, 2018: Inhomogeneous Mixing in Lagrangian Cloud Models: Effects on the Production of Precipitation Embryos (talk), 15th Conference on Cloud Physics, July 9 – 13, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Hoffmann, F., T. Yamaguchi, and G. Feingold, 2018: Inhomogeneous Mixing in Lagrangian Cloud Models: Effects on the Production of Precipitation Embryos (poster), CIRES Rendezvous, May 18, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA.
Hoffmann, F.: Particle-Based Cloud Microphysics for Investigating Entrainment and Mixing in Shallow Convective Clouds (talk), Aerosols, Clouds, Precipitation and Climate (ACPC) Workshop, April 3 – 6, 2018, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA.
Hoffmann, F., and S. Raasch: How do collision and coalescence contribute to the activation of droplets? (poster), 17th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP), July 25 – 29, 2016, Manchester, UK.
Hoffmann, F., and S. Raasch: Spurious Cloud Edge Supersaturations in Lagrangian Cloud Models (talk), Workshop on Eulerian vs. Lagrangian Methods for Cloud Microphysics, April 20 – 22, 2015, Warsaw, Poland.
Hoffmann, F., S. Raasch, and Y. Noh, 2015: Aerosol-Cloud Interactions Studied With a Lagrangian Cloud Model (talk), Atmospheric Boundary Layer and Cloud Studies in the Amazon Basin, February 9 – 10, 2015, São José dos Campos, Brazil.
Hoffmann, F., Y. Noh, and S. Raasch 2014: On the Initiation of Rain In an Idealized Shallow Cumulus Cloud (talk), 3rd International Education Forum on Environment & Energy Science (ACEEES, Tokyo Institute of Technology), December 12 – 16, 2014, Perth, Western Australia, Australia.
Hoffmann, F., S. Raasch, and Y. Noh, 2014: Entrainment of Aerosols and Their Activation in a Shallow Cumulus Cloud Studied with a Coupled LCM-LES Approach (talk), 14th Conference on Cloud Physics, 7 – 11 July 2014, Boston, MA, USA.
Hoffmann, F., S. Raasch, and Y. Noh, 2013: Aerosol Entrainment and Activation in an Idealized Shallow Cumulus Cloud (talk), 2nd International Education Forum on Environment & Energy Science (ACEEES, Tokyo Institute of Technology), 13 – 17 December 2013, Huntington Beach, CA, USA. Awarded for best oral presentation.
Hoffmann, F., and S. Raasch, 2013: The Entrainment of Aerosols and their Activation in an Idealized Shallow Cumulus Cloud Studied with a Combined LES/LPM Approach (poster), AGU Fall Meeting 2013, 9 – 13 December 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Hoffmann, F., and S. Raasch, 2012: Numerical Impacts on the Strength of Simulated Dust Devils (poster), Bridging the Gap Between Atmospheric Scales, 8 – 12 October 2012, Wageningen, Netherlands.
Presentations (contributed)
Rowland, Z., F. Hoffmann, I. Steinke, F. Glassmeier, and H. Russchenberg, 2024: Sensitivities of Marine Cloud Brightening Studied with a Lagrangian Cloud Model (poster), 14 – 19 April 2024, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
Rowland, Z., F. Hoffmann, I. Steinke, F. Glassmeier, and H. Russchenberg, 2024: Sensitivities of Marine Cloud Brightening Studied with a Lagrangian Cloud Model (talk), 7 – 8 March 2024, NWO NAC Earth and Environmental Sciences Conference, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Kainz, J., D. Harrison, and F. Hoffmann, 2024: High-Resolution LES Simulations of a Single Aerosol Source Seeding Shallow Cumulus Clouds (poster), 18 – 23 February 2024, GRC Climate Engineering, Lucca, Italy.
Rowland, Z., F. Hoffmann, I. Steinke, F. Glassmeier, and H. Russchenberg, 2024: Sensitivities of Marine Cloud Brightening Studied with a Lagrangian Cloud Model (poster), 18 – 23 February 2024, GRC Climate Engineering, Lucca, Italy.
Kainz, J., D. Harrison, and F. Hoffmann, 2024: High-Resolution Simulations of Aerosol Spraying in the Great Barrier Reef: A Marine Cloud Brightening Study (poster), 28 January – 1 February 2024, AMS Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA.
Lim, J.-S., and F. Hoffmann, 2023: The Evolution from Homogeneous to Inhomogeneous Mixing During Cloud Lifecycle (poster), 11 – 15 December 2023, AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Prabhakaran, P., F. Hoffmann, and G. Feingold, 2023: Effects of Intermittent Aerosol Forcing on the Stratocumulus-to-Cumulus Transition (poster), 11 – 15 December 2023, AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Chen, Y., J. Zhang, F. Glassmeier, F. Hoffmann, T. Yamaguchi, X. Zhou, and G. Feingold, 2023: Explore aerosol-cloud-interactions using a LES ensemble of stratocumulus (talk), 11 – 15 December 2023, AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Feingold, G., V. P. Ghate, L. M. Russell, P. Blossey, W. Cantrell, M. W. Christensen, M. S. Diamond, A. Gettelman, F. Glassmeier, E. Gryspeerdt, J. Haywood, F. Hoffmann, C. Kaul, M. Lebsock, A. C. McComiskey, D. T. McCoy, Y. Ming, J. Muelmenstaedt, A. Possner, P. Prabhakaran, P. K. Quinn, S. Schmidt, R. A. Shaw, C. E. Singer, A. Sorooshian, V. Toll, J. Wan, R. Wood, F. Yang, J. Zhang, and X. Zheng, 2023: Community Consensus on Physical Science Research Needs to Evaluate the Viability of Marine Cloud Brightening (poster), 11 – 15 December 2023, AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Lim, J.-S., and F. Hoffmann, 2023: Between broadening and narrowing: How entrainment and mixing shape the width of the droplet size distribution (poster), Joint CFMIP-GASS Meeting, 9 – 13 July 2023, Sorbonne University, Paris, France.
Kainz, J., and F. Hoffmann, 2023: How aerosol shrouds the mixing characteristics of warm boundary layer clouds: Consequences for cloud optical properties (poster), Joint CFMIP-GASS Meeting, 9 – 13 July 2023, Sorbonne University, Paris, France.
te Winkel, A., and F. Hoffmann, 2023: Simulations of Entrainment and Mixing in a Convective Cloud Chamber (talk), 2nd MeteoXchange ECS Conference, 13 – 14 April, online.
Lim, J.-S., and F. Hoffmann, 2022: Effects of Entrainment and Mixing Scenarios on the Droplet Size Distribution: Spatiotemporal Variability and Cloud-Lifecycle Dependence (poster), AGU Fall Meeting 2022, 12 – 16 December, Chicago, IL, USA.
Kainz, J., and F. Hoffmann, 2022: The Role of Aerosol in Stratocumulus Small-Scale Cloud-Environment Mixing: Consequences for Cloud Optical Properties (talk), AGU Fall Meeting 2022, 12 – 16 December, Chicago, IL, USA.
Prabhakaran, P., F. Hoffmann, and G. Feingold, 2022: Impact of Aerosol Perturbation on Marine Stratocumulus Clouds (poster), AGU Fall Meeting 2022, 12 – 16 December, Chicago, IL, USA.
Chen, Y.-S., F. Glassmeier, F. Hoffmann, T. Yamaguchi, and G. Feingold, 2022: Understanding the properties and evolution of subtropical marine stratocumulus population with LES ensemble and Gaussian process emulation (talk, contributed), WCRP APPEAR Workshop, 18 – 19 October 2022, online.
Glassmeier, F., F. Hoffmann, G. Feingold, E. Gryspeerdt, A. van Hooft, T. Yamaguchi, J. S. Johnson, and K. S. Carslaw, 2022: Gaussian-process emulation for integrating data-driven aerosol-cloud physics from simulation, satellite, and ground-based data (poster, contributed), EMS Annual Meeting 2022, 4 – 9 September 2022, Bonn, Germany.
Lim, J.-S., J. Kainz, and F. Hoffmann, 2022: The Present and Future of Lagrangian Cloud Modeling: From the Centimeter to Kilometer Scale (poster, contributed), EMS Annual Meeting 2022, 4 – 9 September 2022, Bonn, Germany.
Prabhakraran, P, F. Hoffmann, and G. Feingold, 2022: Impact of Intermittent Aerosol Forcing on Marine Stratocumulus Clouds (poster, contributed), 16th Conference on Cloud Physics, 8 – 12 August 2022, Madison, WI, USA.
Lim, J.-S., and F. Hoffmann, 2022: Entrainment and Mixing in Cumulus Clouds: A New Mixing Scenario That Narrows the Width of the Droplet Size Distribution (talk, contributed), 16th Conference on Cloud Physics, 8 – 12 August 2022, Madison, WI, USA.
Kainz, J., and F. Hoffmann, 2022: On the Importance and Influence of Interstitial Aerosol Particles in Small-Scale Cloud-Environment Mixing (poster, contributed), 16th Conference on Cloud Physics, 8 – 12 August 2022, Madison, WI, USA.
Oh, D., F. Hoffmann, and Y. Noh, 2022: Parameterizing the Activation of Aerosol Particles in Shallow Cumulus Clouds: Insights from a Lagrangian Cloud Model (poster, contributed), 16th Conference on Cloud Physics, 8 – 12 August 2022, Madison, WI, USA.
Yang, F., F. Hoffmann, R. Shaw, M. Ovchinnikov, and A. Vogelmann, 2022: Exploring the Importance of Haze Particles and Their Interactions with Cloud Droplets in a Convection Cloud Chamber Using Large-Eddy Simulations with Bin and Lagrangian Microphysics Schemes (talk, contributed), 16th Conference on Cloud Physics, 8 – 12 August 2022, Madison, WI, USA.
Feingold, G., P. Prabhakaran, F. Hoffmann, J. Zhang, 2022: Exploring the Influence of the Duration of Marine Salt Perturbations on Cloud Responses (poster, contributed), GRC Climate Engineering, 26 June – 1 July 2022, Newry, Maine, USA.
Feingold, G., P. Prabhakaran, J. Zhang, X. Zhou, and F. Hoffmann, 2022: Exploring the Influence of the Duration of Aerosol Perturbations on Cloud Responses (talk, contributed), EGU General Assembly 2022, 23 – 27 May 2022, Vienna Austria.
Feingold, G., F. Glassmeier, and F. Hoffmann, 2021: Emerging approaches to assessing aerosol-cloud interactions in warm marine boundary layer clouds (invited talk, contributed), AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 13 – 17 December 2021, virtual meeting.
Lim, J.-S., Y. Noh, F. Hoffmann, and H. Lee, 2021: Idealized Lagrangian Cloud Model Approach to Investigate Early Collisional Growth of Cloud Droplet: Effect of Giant Aerosol and Turbulence (poster, contributed), AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 13 – 17 December 2021, virtual meeting.
Oh, D., Y. Noh, and F. Hoffmann, 2021: Activation of Aerosols in Shallow Cumulus Clouds Simulated by a Lagrangian Cloud Model (poster, contributed), AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 13 – 17 December 2021, virtual meeting.
Glassmeier, F., F. Hoffmann, and G. Feingold, 2021: On the use of Emulators, built from Ensembles of Large Eddy Simulations, to study Clouds and Aerosol-Cloud Interactions (talk, contributed), Improvement and Calibration of Clouds in Models, 12 – 16 April 2021, virtual meeting.
Feingold, G., F. Glassmeier, F. Hoffmann, and T. Yamaguchi, 2021: Aerosol Effects on Warm Cloud Systems (invited talk, contributed), AMS 101st Annual Meeting, 10 – 15 January 2021, virtual meeting.
Glassmeier, F., F. Hoffmann, J. Johnson, T. Yamaguchi, K. Carslaw, G. Feingold, 2020: Short ship-track lifetimes explain limited liquid-water path responses (talk, contributed), AGU Fall Meeting 2020, 1 – 17 December 2020, virtual meeting.
Unterstrasser, S., F. Hoffmann, and M. Lerch, 2020: Collection/Aggregation in a Lagrangian cloud microphysical model: Insights from column model applications (talk, contributed), 4 May 2020, EGU General Assembly 2020, online meeting.
Goren, T., J. Kazil, F. Hoffmann, T. Yamaguchi, and G. Feingold, 2019: Attributing marine stratocumulus cloud break-up timing to anthropogenic aerosols (poster, contributed), AGU Fall Meeting, December 9 – 13, San Francisco, Ca, USA.
Glassmeier, F., F. Hoffmann, J. Johnson, T. Yamaguchi, K. Carslaw, G. Feingold, 2019: An Emulator Approach to the Radiative Effect of Stratocumulus Clouds (poster and talk, contributed), Gordon Research Conference on Radiation and Climate, July 21 – 26, Bates College, Lewiston, ME, USA.
Glassmeier, F., F. Hoffmann, J. Johnson, T. Yamaguchi, K. Carslaw, G. Feingold, 2019: An Emulator Approach to the Radiative Effect of Stratocumulus Clouds (poster, contributed), Gordon Research Seminar on Radiation and Climate, July 20 – 21, Bates College, Lewiston, ME, USA.
Giersch, S., M. Brast, F. Hoffmann, S. Raasch, 2019: Toward Large-Eddy Simulations of Dust Devils of Observed Intensity: Effects of Grid Spacing, Background Wind, and Surface Heterogeneities (talk, contributed), European Postgraduate Fluid Dynamics Conference, July 16 – 19, Ilmenau, Germany.
Giersch, S., M. Brast, F. Hoffmann, S. Raasch, 2019: Large-Eddy Simulationen von Staubteufeln mit beobachtbarer Intensität: Auswirkungen von Gitterweite, Hintergrundwind und Oberflächenheterogenitäten (talk, contributed), DACH, March 18 – 22, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany .
Glassmeier, F., F. Hoffmann, J. Johnson, T. Yamaguchi, K. Carslaw, G. Feingold, 2018: Beyond Case Studies—an Emulator Approach to Stratocumulus (talk, contributed), Understanding Clouds and Precipitation 2019, February 25 – March 1, Berlin, Germany.
Noh, Y., D. Oh, F. Hoffmann, and S. Raasch, 2018: Cloud Microphysics Parameterization in Shallow Cumulus Clouds Simulated by a Largrangian Cloud Model (talk, contributed), 15th Conference on Cloud Physics, 9 – 13 July, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Glassmeier, F., F. Hoffmann, J. Johnson, T. Yamaguchi, K. Carslaw, G. Feingold, 2018: Beyond Case Studies—an Emulator Approach to Stratocumulus (poster, contributed), 15th Conference on Cloud Physics, 9 – 13 July, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Glassmeier, F., F. Hoffmann, T. Yamaguchi, J. Johnson, J. Kazil, K. Carslaw, G. Feingold, 2018: Capturing the Complexity of Clouds (poster, contributed), Dynamics Days 2018, 4 – 6 January, Denver, CO, USA.
Oh, D., Y. Noh, F. Hoffmann, and S. Raasch, 2017: Cloud Microphysics Parameterization in a Shallow Cumulus Cloud Simulated by a Largrangian Cloud Model (poster, contributed), AGU Fall Meeting 2017, 11 – 15 December 2017, New Orleans, LA, USA.
Noh, Y., F. Hoffmann, and S. Raasch, 2017: The Route to Raindrop Formation in a Shallow Cumulus Cloud Simulated by a Lagrangian Cloud Model (talk, contributed), Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, 19 – 21 November 2017, Denver, CO, USA.
Jemmett-Smith, B., P. Knippertz, J. Marsham, C. Gilkeson, S. Raasch, M. Weismüller, and F. Hoffmann, 2015: Towards a Parameterization of Dust Devils for Weather and Climate models (poster, contributed), EGU General Assembly, 12 – 17 April 2015, Vienna, Austria.
Jemmett-Smith, B., J. Marsham, P. Knippertz, C. Gilkeson, S. Raasch, M. Weismüller, and F. Hoffmann, 2015: Towards a Parameterization of Dust-Devil Effects in Weather and Climate Models Using Large-Eddy Simulations (talk, contributed), ISSI Dust Devil Workshop, 16 – 20 February 2015, Bern, Switzerland.
Weismüller, M., S. Raasch, and F. Hoffmann, 2014: Towards large-eddy simulations of dust devils with observed intensity: Effects of surface heterogeneities and numerics (talk, contributed), 21st Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, 9 – 13 June 2014, Leeds, UK.
Other Publications
Feingold, G., V. P. Ghate, L. M. Russell, P. Blossey, W. Cantrell, M. W. Christensen, M. S. Diamond, A. Gettelman, F. Glassmeier, E. Gryspeerdt, J. Haywood, F. Hoffmann, C. Kaul, M. Lebsock, A. C. McComiskey, D. T. McCoy, Y. Ming, J. Muelmenstaedt, A. Possner, P. Prabhakaran, P. K. Quinn, S. Schmidt, R. A. Shaw, C. E. Singer, A. Sorooshian, V. Toll, J. Wan, R. Wood, F. Yang, J. Zhang, and X. Zheng, 2022: DOE-NOAA Marine Cloud Brightening Workshop. U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Department of Commerce NOAA; DOE/SC-0207; NOAA Technical Report OAR ESRL/CSL-1, doi:10.2172/1902730.
Hoffmann, F., and F. Glassmeier, 2021: Aerosol-Wolken-Wechselwirkungen im Klimasystem, Phys. Unserer Zeit, 52, 110 – 110, doi:10.1002/piuz.202170304.
Maronga, B., F. Hoffmann, T. Riechelmann, and S. Raasch, 2013: Large-eddy simulation of dust devils: Animation of dust devils in the convective boundary layer using a virtual dust source. Computer Animation. doi:10.5446/9352.
Doctoral thesis, 2017 – Validations, Further Developments, and Applications of a Lagrangian Cloud Model. urn:nbn:de:gbv:089-8907912283.
Master's thesis, 2013 – The Activation of Aerosols in Shallow Cumulus Clouds.
Bachelor's thesis, 2011 – Impacts of Numerical Methods on the Strength of Simulated Dust Devils (in German).
Dr. Fabian Hoffmann
Meteorologisches Institut
Theresienstr. 37
80333 München