Web cameras Eyjafjallajökull
Heklubyggð (Picture)
Múlakot (Picture)
Míla,Þórólfsfell (Stream)
Míla,Hvolsvöllur (Stream)
Míla,Valahnjúkur (Stream)
Vodafone,Þórólfsfell (Pictures)

Web cameras Mýrdalsjökull (Katla)
Web camera Mýrdalsjökull - Rúv (Live Stream)


Berichte über die Vulkanaktivitäten 
Flexpart: http://transport.nilu.no/products/eyjafjallajokull
(=> Weitere Simulationen finden Sie in der aktuellen Vorhersage)

Always actual: Various satellite images and maps showing the eruption in Eyjafjallajökull and how it affects its surroundings

Satellite views of the volcano (BBC news)

MSG latest 7 days movie http://www.yr.no/nyheter/1.7084125)

 Support to Aviation for Volcanic Ash Avoidance: http://savaa.nilu.no/
Download an animation of the satellite images from the recent 24 hours (ASH PRODUCT)
Download an animation of the satellite images from the recent 24 hours (TRUE COLOR)

SI / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report http://www.volcano.si.edu/reports/usgs/index.cfm?wvarweek=20100512#eyjafjol

Seismic Data for Eyjafjallajökull/Myrdalsjökull
Mýrdalsjökull - earthquakes during the last 48 hours http://en.vedur.is/earthquakes-and-volcanism/earthquakes/myrdalsjokull/

Eyjafjöll « The Volcanism Blog