Cloud mask

Important note

If you plan to use our cloudmask dataset, please contact us by sending an E-Mail to Veronika Pörtge.

The cloud mask was derived from radiance measurements of the SWIR camera of the specMACS instrument. The evaluation of the CIRRUS HL measurements are complicated by two factors. 1.) The measurements were partly taken above land surfaces. 2.) The measurements were partly taken inside clouds. This complicates the preparation of a cloudmask as our original cloudmask was generated to evaluate measurements above clouds and above the ocean. The original cloudmask is described in the Master’s Thesis of Felix Gödde. We tried to adapt the original cloudmask algorithm to better fit the needs of the CIRRUS-HL measurements but we are aware that there is still room for improvement.

As the original algorithm was developed for clouds above ocean, the main problem with these measurements was the occurence of the bright sunglint on the ocean surface. To overcome the effects of the sunglint, spectral water vapor absorption was used to identify clouds in front of a bright background. For scenes that were not affected by the sunglint, a mask based on the brightness of the pixels was used. For CIRRUS-HL we decided to change the work flow and combine these two masks at all times, regardless of whether sunglint could occur or not. If both masks indicate a pixel as cloudy it is defined as “most likely cloudy” in the final mask. If only one mask indicates a pixel as cloudy, the pixel is marked “probably cloudy” in the final mask and if neither mask indicates a cloud, this pixel is marked as “probably_clear_sky”.

The cloud mask for each research flight is stored in a separate NETCDF4 file. Each file contains the following variables:

Important notes and known problems:


The algorithm developed to extract the cloud mask from the specMACS data in the presence of sunglint is described in the Master’s Thesis of Felix Gödde. The Pdf document of the thesis can be downloaded here. For the EUREC4A cloud mask product some minor modifications of the algorithm were done:


Help needed?

If you have any questions concerning the cloud mask please feel free to contact us! This could be, e.g., by sending an e-mail to Veronika Pörtge.

