Table of Contents

Case C3: Cumulus cloud


Definition of cumulus cloudfield

cumulus.dat, the format of the ascii file is as follows:

    Nx Ny Nz flag
    dx dy z1 z2 z3 .... 
    ix iy iz ext Reff

The number of horizontal pixels is Nx x Ny = 100×100 in the horizontal and Nz=53 in the vertical. The horizontal resolution is dx x dy = 0.0667km x 0.0667km, hence the domain size is 6.67×6.67 km$^2$. The 54 vertical layer grid points are specified by z1, z2, … zn, the grid is not equidistant. The file includes the extinction coefficient ext [km$^{-1}$] and the effective radius Reff [$\mu$m] for cloudy grid cells. Cloudfree grid cells are not included in the file. The grid cell is specified by indices ix, iy, iz (each starting with 1).

# $\theta_0$ [$^\circ$] $z$ [km] $\theta$ [$^\circ$] $\phi$ [$^\circ$]
1 20 0 40 0
2 20 0 40 60
3 20 0 40 120
4 20 0 40 180
5 40 30 180 0
6 40 30 140 0
7 40 30 140 60
8 40 30 140 120
9 40 30 140 180

Note on azimuth convention: (This is taken from the I3RC definition)

                   ++++++++++++++++++high Y
                   |                     |
                   |                     |
                   |                     |
            0 deg  |                     | 180
                   |                     |
                   |                     |
                   ++++++++++++++++++low Y 
                   low X            high X

Output format:

The output should be provided in an ascii file containing the following columns:

case  theta_0  z  theta  phi  i_x i_y I  Q  U  V  Istd  Qstd  Ustd  Vstd

case should be set to 1 for the simulations with Rayleigh scattering and to 2 for the simulation with aerosol.

i_x and i_y denotes the pixel numbers in x and y direction respectively (starting with 1).

I,Q,U,V denote the Stokes vector.

Istd Qstd Ustd Vstd are standard deviations of the Stokes vector components which should be provided for Monte Carlo models. If error estimates can not be provided, these columns may be omitted.

The result filename should be 'iprt_case_C2_MODEL.dat' and it should include the following header:

# IPRT case C3 - Cumulus cloud 
# RT model: MODEL_NAME 
# case theta_0 z theta phi i_x i_y I Q U V Istd Qstd Ustd Vstd

Data of model results

Results of MYSTIC model.

Results of all models (MYSTIC, SHDOM, SPARTA, 3DMCPOL, MSCART).

Results for pure Rayleigh background atmosphere

MYSTIC results

The following plots show the results obtained with MYSTIC. For all other models the patterns look the same.

C3 without aerosol, MYSTIC results

General remarks


Summary plots, statistics C3 without atmosphere Statistics of the Stokes vector results for scenario C3 (cumulus cloud field in molecular atmosphere). The panels in the left column show the mean radiance $I_{\rm mean}$ (for Q, U, and V the mean of the absolute values) for all models and all 9 cases. The panels in the second column show the standard deviations $\sigma_{\rm rel}$. The third column shows the root mean square differences $\Delta_{\rm RMS}$ in per cent and the right column shows the match fractions $q$.


Results with atmosphere

MYSTIC results

The following plots show the results obtained with MYSTIC. As for the cases without atmosphere the patterns look the same for all models. C3 with aerosol, MYSTIC results


Summary plots, statistics C3 with atmosphere Statistics of the Stokes vector results for scenario C3 (cumulus cloud field and aerosol in molecular atmosphere). The panels in the left column show the mean radiance $I_{\rm mean}$ (for Q, U, and V the mean of the absolute values) for all models and all 9 cases. The panels in the second column show the standard deviations $\sigma_{\rm rel}$. The third column shows the root mean square differences $\Delta_{\rm RMS}$ in per cent and the right column shows the match fractions $q$.


Detailed plots for all models, pure molecular atmosphere

Statistics plots

MYSTIC - forward MC



MSCART - forward MC

MSCART - backward MC


Stokes parameters I,Q,U,V




MSCART - forward MC

MSCART - backward MC


Differences to MYSTIC



MSCART - forward MC

MSCART - backward MC


Detailed plots for all models - molecular atmosphere including aerosol

Statistics plots

MYSTIC - forward MC



MSCART - forward MC

MSCART - backward MC


Stokes parameters I,Q,U,V

The range of the colorbars corresponds to the minimum and the maximum of the SHDOM results. For V all Monte Carlo models show quite strong noise, therefore the best is to choose the explicit model to set the limits.




MSCART - forward MC

MSCART - backward MC


Differences to MYSTIC

Here the colorbar limits correspond to 5% of the minimum and maximum of the MYSTIC results.



MSCART - forward MC

MSCART - backward MC