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Meeting Future Plans, Sep 24 2020, 10:00


  1. ESA Opportunities
  2. Objectives for future study
  3. Next steps

1. Opportunities for ESA funding


The objective of the call is to provide a framework to rapidly respond to new innovative ideas. The scope of the call covers elements of Block 4 of Future EO-1 Segment 1. The particular focus for innovative activities under each element is as follows:

  1. GrandScience Challenges
  2. EO for a Resilient Society
  3. Artificial Intelligence for EO
  4. Regional Initiatives
  5. EO for Civil Security
  6. Public Sector Applications and Enabling Industry
  7. Evolving Shared Technical Platform Capabilities.

Any individual contractwill be limited to a Firm Fixed Price of up to 150KEuro and to a maximum duration of 12 months. Bidders will be required to demonstrate the innovative content of their proposals and, where appropriate, the engagement of relevant stakeholders. For proposals related to Grand Science Challenges, bidders will be also required to demonstrate scientific excellence of the proposed activity.

ATMOS - research opportunities, upcoming activity

Is there any news about this activity???

2. Objectives for future study

Improve 3D cloud correction methods in trace gas retrieval alorithms
  • 3DCATS → cloud shadows have largest impact, first promising attempts to correct them by Huan
  • Future study: Continue 3DCATS work (find corrections by looking at rather simplified box-cloud simulations for which sensitivity studies for various parameters can be made)
  • Systematically investigate sub-pixel cloud inhomogeneity with simplified cloud setups
  • Use synthetic dataset as training data for neural network to find cloud features that dominate the retrieval error due to 3D cloud scattering (Ben has suggested this approach several times …)
Validate trace gas retrieval algorithm using synthetic dataset
  • Various retrieval algorithms should be applied on synthetic data with known truth
  • Comparison of the performance of different algorithmns
  • Probably not appropriate for EO SCIENCE FOR SOCIETY??? Too many groups need to be involved, not so small study?
Further ideas ????

3. Next steps

projects/3dcats/follow_up.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/23 18:17 (external edit)