====== Ideas for studies ====== * Investigate, how size distributions from cloud resolving models should be converted to optical properties (approximate gamma distribution, average over optical properties of individual size bins ... ) * Raman scattering in MYSTIC * Lee 2013: Polarization measurements are simulated using polradtran, differences could not been explained. Look at details and check whether MYSTIC gives more accurate results. --- //[[claudia.emde@lmu.de|Claudia]] 2013/10/24 14:27// * Investigate the effect of multiple scattering on APS / RPS \\ This could be done by calculating individual scattering orders with MYSTIC and check when the polarized radiance converges to the final result (similar to step cloud simulation) * Investigate whether polarized cloud properties retrieval is less influenced by 3D effects compared to Nakajima/King (see email B. Cairns, 13.10.2010)