Master seminar 2023 ...

„Mountain Meteorology - Models, Observations, Processes“

We expect all students who want to take part to:

  1. Select one paper and register with the given advisor and Tobias Zinner until 15 August 2023.
  2. Look for a second paper connected to your selection
  3. Discuss with your advisor the literature you plan to use for your presentation soon, well in time before the final preparation of the slide material.
  4. Talk to your advisor at least one more time before the seminar. At this meeting you should go through the final presentation material in time for last changes. Consequently, this should take place shortly before the seminar in October.

Preliminary programme

Room A248

Thursday, 5.10.23 - Observations and data

9:00 - Matthias Beylich - Observations of the mountain boundary layer in the Alps

9:50 - Stefan Koppenhofer - Precipitation measurements in structured topography

10:40 - Paul Bauer - Extreme precipitation in radar data

Thursday, 5.10.23 - Dry and Wet orographic impact

11:30 - Annika Stenzl - Alpine Foehn

14:15 - Moritz Müller - Radar data assimilation in orographic weather

Friday, 5.10.23 - Model processes

9:00 - Dominik Kampe - Modelling of the mountain boundary layer

9:50 - Florian Herzog - Radiation and Topography in NWP models

Friday, 5.10.23 - Changing Climate

10:40 - Paul Felger - Climate change in mountain regions - Focus temperature changes

11:30 - Núria Miquel Beltran - Climate Change in mountain regions - Focus precipitation changes

Contact: Tobias Zinner.

Vorhergehende Jahre

Stand 3.07.2023