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Themen für Bachelorarbeiten am Lehrstuhl Theoretische Meteorologie

Stratosphere-troposphere and climate dynamics

Topics broadly in the area of stratosphere-troposphere and climate dynamics are available upon request. Recent research topics in our group include: variability and long-term trends in the width of the tropical belt, processes that govern the temperature structure of the tropical tropopause layer, the dynamics of sudden stratospheric warmings and their coupling to the troposphere, transport processes in the upper troposphere / lower stratosphere. Interested candidates are asked to look through research topics on our group's website, in particular our recent publications: https://www.meteo.physik.uni-muenchen.de/~Thomas.Birner/pubs.html.

For more detailed information please contact Thomas Birner.

Weitere Themen auf Anfrage

Bei Interesse an Bachelorarbeiten im Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Meteorologie bitte bei Prof. G. Craig, Dr. C. Keil oder Dr. Tijana Janjic nachfragen.