Tropical Cyclone George Feb 2007

Track (min geopotential at selected heights)

Intensity 850 mb

Intensity 700 mb

Intensity 500 mb

Vertical velocity, vertical vorticity and geopotential height at 850 mb

The following plots show contours of vertical velocity (left column) and vertical vorticity (right column) during the genesis and mature stage of the disturbances. In each plot, the contours of geopotential are shown, as is the location of the minimum geopotential (denoted by the cyclone symbol). Contour levels for vertical velocity are: thick red contours 0.5 and 1.0 m s-1; thick yellow contours 1.5 - 5.0 m s-1 in steps of 0.5 m s-1; thick blue contours -1.0 and -0.5 m s-1; thin countours 5 cm s-1 - 45 cm s-1 in steps of 5 cm s-1. Negative contours blue/dashed. Regions of ascent > 5 cm s-1 are shaded pink; regions of subsidence < -5 cm s-1 shaded light blue. Contour levels for vertical vorticity are: thick contours 10-4 s-1 s-1; thin contours 2*10-5 s-1; Negative contours blue/dashed. Regions of cyclonic > 2*10-5 s-1 are shaded pink; regions of anticyclonic vorticity < -2*10-5 s-1 shaded light blue.

25 Feb 00Z

25 Feb 00Z

25 Feb 06Z

25 Feb 06Z

25 Feb 12Z

25 Feb 12Z

25 Feb 18Z

25 Feb 18Z

26 Feb 00Z

26 Feb 00Z

26 Feb 06Z

26 Feb 06Z

26 Feb 12Z

26 Feb 12Z

26 Feb 18Z

26 Feb 18Z

27 Feb 00Z

27 Feb 00Z

27 Feb 06Z

27 Feb 06Z

27 Feb 12Z

27 Feb 12Z

27 Feb 18Z

27 Feb 18Z

28 Feb 00Z

28 Feb 00Z

28 Feb 06Z

28 Feb 06Z

28 Feb 12Z

28 Feb 12Z

28 Feb 18Z

28 Feb 18Z

01 Mar 00Z

01 Mar 00Z

01 Mar 06Z

01 Mar 06Z

01 Mar 12Z

01 Mar 12Z

01 Mar 18Z

01 Mar 18Z

02 Mar 00Z

02 Mar 00Z

02 Mar 06Z

02 Mar 06Z

02 Mar 12Z

02 Mar 12Z

02 Mar 18Z

02 Mar 18Z

Copyright © Roger Smith